Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 2, Day 7

What I’ve learned:
I really am not good at keeping a journal, blog, or diary. I even have a section on my menu sheets that I made to write in daily and I don't even write there. So here is what I've been up to...I've found it's really easy to eat right when I prepare my food in advance. Every Wednesday I've been going to the grocery store and picking up my food. When I come home I cook my meat, rice’s, and cut my veggies. Then I portion everything out into little 1 cup containers (the best purchase I've ever made!). So now in the morning after I make my breakfast I pack 2 snacks and my lunch into a little cooler and away I go. Sometimes I have to pack my lunch, 1 snack, and dinner, but either way as long as everything is portioned out and ready to go I have a successful eating day.
This past weekend I learned how to make healthy choices while not at home. It's really easy, read Jackie's book it gives you great portioning tips. I found that when I order a salad at a restaurant I typically have ask for it without all of the yummy tasting stuff they put on salads like cheese, bacon, and croutons. But then I get more lettuce and veggies. I usually try to order a salad that has meat or other proteins on it…a cob salad with no blue cheese is probably my most favorite salad ever! Another reason I feel it’s easy to eat right when out of the house is because my stomach has gotten used to the small portions. I found that even when I wanted to indulge and eat a bit more of a treat meal, my body had other plans. For example I had eaten clean for 10 out of 11 days (last Wednesday I had dinner at Famous Daves…my treat meal…yummy) so I decided to have another treat. I had a root beer float with two scoops of vanilla ice cream and A&W root beer. It was so good at the time, but later that day I was not feeling so great. I’ve learned my lesson…dairy is not always my friend!
I also have learned that some foot that I thought I really liked I don’t actually like at all. I thought I loved feta cheese especially on Greek salads and Greek styled foods, well I was wrong. I love Greek dressing all over feta cheese! Well since starting Jackie’s diet I’ve also had to cut the dressing which is a hidden source of a lot of fat and tons of sugar.

What I’ve been eating:
Lots of eggs, chicken, veggies, salads, whole-grains, and fruits. My favorite way to prepare chicken other than grilling is baking the chicken with sea salt and pepper all over, in the oven for 35 minutes on 400 degrees. It’s delicious! If I’m not eating my veggies raw I like them steamed. Zucchini is awesome steamed! I hear about whole-grains a lot from people who are dieting or looking to change their lifestyle. I mostly hear that the bread is not the same as white bread…well it’s not going to be! I tried to get as far away from white bread as I could by finding a very hearty nutty bread that I couldn’t compare to white bread. I love Pepperidge Farms 100% Whole-Wheat bread…it’s so good toasted, plain, and as part of a sandwich!
All I have to say about the food I’ve been eating is read Jackie’s book with an open mind and you will be surprised how you’re relationship to food changes. I love eating clean it makes me feel so good. Read the book, follow the diet, do the workouts, and see the results!

How I’ve been working out:
Actually I haven’t been. I’ve been skating once a week for about an hour, but I’ve never looked at skating as a workout. The very first week I did Jackie’s video’s every day. I need to get back to a schedule where I would work a video each day and then run outside or at the gym. I’ve always been an all or nothing girl, but I’ve definitely changed my outlook. If I can change my diet and be successful at eating I have it all! If I can get to the gym or work a video every day I’m also successful and I have even more!

I love how I feel! I really recommend following Jackie’s plan. If you want to see the results of people who’ve worked her diet tune in to Bravo on Monday, October 25 at 10pm for the finale of Thintervention!

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