Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Starting Over

So it's been a while since I last posted, here's the update. I finished reading Jackie Warner's book This is Why You're Fat (and how to get thin forever). I am more motivated than ever to succeed at her famous plan and workouts. I've been watching Thintervention on Bravo every Monday night to see how others go through the program. I've noticed some of the people on the show struggle more than others and what each participant is doing to get the results their trying to reach. One of the most important things I learned when finishing Jackie's book is that you must set realistic and achievable goals. With no goals you can easily give up when you don't see results. So tonight while watching Beauty and The Beast on newly released DVD I am setting my goals. I've done some research to ensure that my goals can be realistic and achievable. I currently have a body mass index or BMI of about 32 which is considered obese, so you can clearly see why I have decided to have my own thintervention. BMI is just a fancy way of saying body fat, or maybe that's just a polite way of explaining. The BMI of a normal weight person is between 18.5-24.9. BMI is calculated by entering your weight and height into a formula that results in your BMI. I just "googled" BMI calculator and found several options all of which came up with the same number for my BMI. Based on my BMI I need to loose about 7 points which for me equates to nearly 50 pounds. To most people that sounds like quite the task and I most certainly put myself in the category of most people. So I'm going to tailor my goals in a way that will be easily achievable on Jackie's plan.

Here are my goals:
I am going to loose 30 pounds by Christmas. I will do this by eating according to Jackie's plan and completing each workout. I will eat clean and do each exercise until muscle failure to build muscle and burn fat.

I will reduce my BMI to 24.9. This will make me healthy and trim.

Each week I will feel better and look better in all of my clothing because I will be eating clean and working out according to the plan.

Here is how I'm going to achieve my goal:
Each day I will plan out my meals. Breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Each day will be carefully planned according to Jackie's plan. I will prepare my food for each day in advance which will make it easier to eat clean.

I will also plan my workouts to fit into my schedule. All I need is 20 minutes of intense cardio at the gym and so space on my living room floor to do my circuit routine.

I will get support from the people who I love. They will see this positive change in my lifestyle and encourage me to keep going.

I will "chase the burn".

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